Make Virtual Events Great

Human beings are social creatures, thus the value of face-to-face interaction can never be diminished. However, in the times of Corona and the digital revolution, virtual events are becoming just as important – and business savvy – as the traditional in-person interaction. 

But with so many companies employing this strategy, how can you make your virtual event stand out?

Here are some suggestions:

Add vendors to your event 

There is nothing like a vendor to add spice to an already tasty event palate. Including a comedian or singer into your schedule can break up monotonous areas of your programming and even invite a new audience to support your event. Moreover, virtual vendors are often more cost-friendly than hiring them in-person. At the same time, you wouldn’t necessarily have to cut back on your profits if the event is marketed well with a lot of attendees. This scenario can be a major win for your company.  

Try virtual games.

We are never too old to play games. In fact, according to Science Daily, video games can help to improve mental cognition in people of all ages, from youngsters to the elderly. But what does this mean for your virtual event? Well, for one, gaming is fun! It’s a great way to keep your audience engaged and enjoying themselves. Also, gaming can be used as a marketing tool for your company, positioned as an analogy for your particular theme. Lastly, gaming is another way to add a vendor to your event (see #1 for these benefits). Some gaming companies have gone virtual and offer bingo and other games to play over Zoom and webinar platforms. Find a game that suits your audience and have fun!

Use Video Production

Along with the digital revolution came huge advances in media production tools. Use this to your advantage in your virtual event. When people can literally shoot videos from their phones nowadays, there is no reason why you can’t find creative video footage to add to your event. Video, like games, help to keep your audience engaged and can break up monotonous moments. In addition, video marketing is becoming the norm in business, thus customers are not only used to seeing videos but even expect it. Try hiring a video marketing specialist or editor for ideas on which videos would be best to include in your program.

Do a #Challenge

Who can forget the #IceBucketChallenge of 2015 or the #DontRushChallenge
currently sweeping the web? These internet phenomenons are entertaining, amusing, and so wide-spread that even celebrities join in and national news organizations cover them. Wouldn’t you like to get free publicity from a celebrity or national news organization? Of course you would. So start a challenge either before, during, or after your event to get people talking and sharing your message.

These are just a few ways to make your virtual events great. With new events popping up everyday, you should try some of them to see which fits your style or needs. You never know, CNN or Brad Pitt could end up promoting your event. 

Tell us some of your ideas to make virtual events great in the comments below. 

Eventology 101: Do You Have An Event System?

Just like any business, a successful event requires a system. The quicker you understand the process to creating your magical events, the quicker you hit your success streak, get more clients and understand how to build a career in events.

Here’s a free event system guide to help plan your next event:

Develop Event Strategy: “What type of event are you planning?”

  • Create event budget detailing expenses for venue, entertainment, catering, marketing, staffing and miscellaneous projections
  • Create action plan for event detailing logistics for event timeline (i.e. 6 weeks for sponsorship, 2 weeks venue scouting  1 week vendor search, etc.)
  • Create strategic partnership opportunities by identifying possible brand activations 
  • Develop vendor management process:
    • Draft contracts if applicable
    • Set up corresponding email copy
    • Set up payment methods
  • Monetize event by identifying additional revenue streams in each city (i.e. selling ads, selling vendor tables for companies in attendance, etc.)

Confirm Funding: “Who’s funding the event?”

  • Analyze potential funding options and cash on hand  
  • Seek sponsorship and/or outside investment if applicable

Confirm Venue: “Where is the best location for this event?”

  • Research unique venue options within budget; try tools like Peerspace or  Airbnb 
  • Confirm venue layout, AV needs; furniture needs; lighting needs; sound needs; parking information; wheelchair accessibility; setup and curfews
  • Create emergency exit routes if applicable 

Confirm Vendors: “Who are your event partners?”

  • Identify events needs (i.e. DJ, host, speakers, dance, catering  etc.) and book on Vendorspace
    • Example: Confirm catering including but not limited to food items, cutlery, delivery method, etc.  
    • Also confirm event staffing needs and/or volunteers for event day management
  • Coordinate vendor delivery method  (i.e. picked up at what time, dropped off at what time, set up, etc.)
  • Manage vendor communications pre, during and post-event (A new feature coming to Vendorspace next month!)

Create Event Brand Kit: “What does your event look like?

  • Create event look and feel with an event logo from our event market
  • Create flyers for each city, sponsorship deck, social media ad templates and event handouts (i.e. program booklet, way finder, etc.)  when applicable
  • Create merchandise designs

Set Up Marketing Campaigns: “How will you automate event marketing?”

  • Work with your marketing team to begin traditional marketing (i.e. street promotions, flyer distribution and social media blasts)
  • Leverage social capital by partnering with brands that compliment the event for promotion
  • Work with media outlets (i.e. radios, blogs, tvs, etc) to announce event
  • Set up campaign content in email management system
  • Schedule emails and social media content for event duration

Event Day Management: “How are you managing the event schedule?” 

  • Manage day of logistics for the event; including but not limited to:
    • Set up
    • Decorations
    • AV Testing/Soundcheck
    • Delivery & Pick ups
    • Registration
    • Stage Management (control flow of show)
    • Breakdown
  • Delegate above tasks to staff and volunteers

Post Event Management: “How do you keep in touch with attendees?”

  • Thank you notes to participants and vendors to nurture long-term relationships
  • Share event recap and photos with media outlets 

This system will give you a good foundation for building events. What else would you add to your event system?

Planning a Holiday Party in 1–2–3

So your co-worker just started playing her holiday playlist, and five minutes later you find out that you’re in charge of planning your job’s holiday party. Your only experience with planning parties was for your niece’s 2nd birthday. What do you do? Well, fear not, Vendorspace has you covered.

In three simple steps, you can plan your corporate party!

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Sign up as an event organizer.

Step 3: Search for your vendors.

Suggested vendors for a corporate party:

DJ:  You’re going to want great music to get the party started. Sure you can rely on your Tidal playlist, but there’s nothing like a good ole fashion hype man.

Caterer:  Good food can make or break your party. The rule of thumb is if there will be alcohol, then you should have food.

Photobooth:  Usually the purpose of a corporate party is to create a team bonding experience while also allowing everyone to feel more comfortable than usual. A photo booth helps to capture the experience while also sharing the fun on social media.

Planning a party for the holidays? Tag @joinvendorspace in your pics on social media!

Three Event Hacks to Save Money on Your Next Event

Events can be expensive. When you’re aiming to please, there’s nothing you won’t consider for your guest experience. But the price that comes with it will make you think twice.

However, there is a way to be creative and save money. Here’s 3 hacks to try for your next event:

Cancel decorations and book an art vendor.

Traditional decorations are cute but you can elevate your event experience by working with an art vendor to transform your space into an art gallery. Strategically place pieces around the venue to give a high end vibe to your event. Best part, its a win-win situation. The vendor gets to display and sell their work.

Turn your buffet into tasting stations.

Let’s face it, a buffet or even plated dinners can be a waste sometimes. Skip the heavy 4-course meals and opt for small plates with samples from your favorite food vendors. You’ll literally cut your catering budget in half. (L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y!)

Use “unavailable” space for your venue.

Dont tell them you heard it from us but it is possible to get really cheap space for your next event. With a little research, you’d be surprised to know you can rent abandoned warehouses or spaces for sale. Create a new ambiance for guests with a rustic, vintage vibe. If that doesn’t workout for you, try our friends at Peerspace for affordable venues. You can definitely save a buck or two with them as well.

What are some hacks you’ve tried that worked?