Eventology 101: Do You Have An Event System?

Just like any business, a successful event requires a system. The quicker you understand the process to creating your magical events, the quicker you hit your success streak, get more clients and understand how to build a career in events.

Here’s a free event system guide to help plan your next event:

Develop Event Strategy: “What type of event are you planning?”

  • Create event budget detailing expenses for venue, entertainment, catering, marketing, staffing and miscellaneous projections
  • Create action plan for event detailing logistics for event timeline (i.e. 6 weeks for sponsorship, 2 weeks venue scouting  1 week vendor search, etc.)
  • Create strategic partnership opportunities by identifying possible brand activations 
  • Develop vendor management process:
    • Draft contracts if applicable
    • Set up corresponding email copy
    • Set up payment methods
  • Monetize event by identifying additional revenue streams in each city (i.e. selling ads, selling vendor tables for companies in attendance, etc.)

Confirm Funding: “Who’s funding the event?”

  • Analyze potential funding options and cash on hand  
  • Seek sponsorship and/or outside investment if applicable

Confirm Venue: “Where is the best location for this event?”

  • Research unique venue options within budget; try tools like Peerspace or  Airbnb 
  • Confirm venue layout, AV needs; furniture needs; lighting needs; sound needs; parking information; wheelchair accessibility; setup and curfews
  • Create emergency exit routes if applicable 

Confirm Vendors: “Who are your event partners?”

  • Identify events needs (i.e. DJ, host, speakers, dance, catering  etc.) and book on Vendorspace
    • Example: Confirm catering including but not limited to food items, cutlery, delivery method, etc.  
    • Also confirm event staffing needs and/or volunteers for event day management
  • Coordinate vendor delivery method  (i.e. picked up at what time, dropped off at what time, set up, etc.)
  • Manage vendor communications pre, during and post-event (A new feature coming to Vendorspace next month!)

Create Event Brand Kit: “What does your event look like?

  • Create event look and feel with an event logo from our event market
  • Create flyers for each city, sponsorship deck, social media ad templates and event handouts (i.e. program booklet, way finder, etc.)  when applicable
  • Create merchandise designs

Set Up Marketing Campaigns: “How will you automate event marketing?”

  • Work with your marketing team to begin traditional marketing (i.e. street promotions, flyer distribution and social media blasts)
  • Leverage social capital by partnering with brands that compliment the event for promotion
  • Work with media outlets (i.e. radios, blogs, tvs, etc) to announce event
  • Set up campaign content in email management system
  • Schedule emails and social media content for event duration

Event Day Management: “How are you managing the event schedule?” 

  • Manage day of logistics for the event; including but not limited to:
    • Set up
    • Decorations
    • AV Testing/Soundcheck
    • Delivery & Pick ups
    • Registration
    • Stage Management (control flow of show)
    • Breakdown
  • Delegate above tasks to staff and volunteers

Post Event Management: “How do you keep in touch with attendees?”

  • Thank you notes to participants and vendors to nurture long-term relationships
  • Share event recap and photos with media outlets 

This system will give you a good foundation for building events. What else would you add to your event system?